Counties Evangelist, Mark Bingham shares how, during his ministry on the streets, a struggling alcoholic gave his life to Christ.

Mark and Amanda Bingham

We live in Maidstone in Kent. We have five children. I am on the leadership team of our local church. I have been a full-time Evangelist for over 15 years. I have a heart for the lost and organise a team of people from different churches across Maidstone to go out into town to share the gospel with people and I also do some children’s work. I am available to speak at outreach events, and church services and help to facilitate evangelism training for churches across Kent.

Mark out on the streets of Kent


I am grateful to share that God continues to open doors in Kent. In July, I embarked on a new outreach initiative in Folkestone alongside a dedicated group of local Christian volunteers. I want to share a remarkable testimony of God's grace that unfolded over the past year, a story that has deeply encouraged me and reminded me of the Gospel's transformative power.

Over a year ago, a young man walked into our church just as the service was ending. He was grappling with a severe alcohol addiction and was searching for answers, particularly whether Jesus could set him free from his addiction and save his soul. We sat down and talked about his life and struggles.

I had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with him and praying for him. As we spoke, tears streamed down his face. He expressed a genuine desire to know Jesus. I explained that he needed to repent of his sins and surrender his life to Christ. In that moment, he openly confessed his sins and declared his intention to make Jesus the Lord of his life.

In the following months, I tried to stay in touch with this young man, but he was elusive. He didn't answer my calls or return my messages. After several attempts, I decided to leave it in God's hands, trusting that He would continue the work He had begun.

Nearly a year later, while evangelising in Maidstone one Tuesday afternoon, I saw this young man again. I approached him and we began to talk. He shared that he had been sober for six months and was doing well. He had found support from a local church and was even given the opportunity to teach music in schools.

We prayed together, thanking God for the incredible transformation in his life. This encounter reminded me that sometimes we share the Gospel and may not immediately see the fruits of our labor. However, God is always at work, often beyond what we can see or imagine.

am grateful for this powerful reminder that our efforts in sharing the Gospel are never in vain. God is faithful and His Word does not return void. Let us keep trusting God to work in the hearts of those we reach out to, even when we cannot see the full outcome.

Furthermore, we continue to encounter many people who are seeking to know Jesus. Just last week, I had the privilege of meeting a young woman who expressed a deep desire to be forgiven and liberated from her addiction. She made a commitment to follow Jesus.


Sue Ashmole, Counties Neighbourhood Chaplains Co-ordinator shares what a recent gathering showed her how Christians can help people with addictions.


Counties Evangelist, Steve Cowles, shares the amazing testimony of a man who gave his life to Christ in a prison cell.