Do you want to find out more about Counties Connect Network?

Welcome to Counties Connect - a network of local churches committed to pursuing the fulfilment of the Great Commission

For more than 125 years Counties has been working with local churches making Jesus known.

We believe that Counties Connect will build on this history, whilst also creating new pathways and support structures with a clear focus on growing local churches through sharing the Gospel and making disciples.

Counties currently connect with almost 800 churches. The challenges for these churches might be characterised as the:

  • digital revolution

  • ‘death’ of evangelism

  • decline of the historic church

We believe that the Gospel is still the power of God to save everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).  The response to our latest book, ‘Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow,’ demonstrates our nation's desperate need to see an army of ordinary people rise up to share this good news effectively and see communities transformed through local churches making disciples.

Will your church get inspired, equipped and then engage other churches?

The three words Inspire, Equip and Engage will form the shape and focus of the growth and direction of Connect. We are not launching a new church stream or denomination, but rather seeking to support local churches better in their mission to make disciples. Counties has relationships with many churches from many streams and backgrounds, and we want to continue to be a resource to them in any way that we can.

We are launching a network, but our prayer and desire is to see a movement, a movement of the Spirit of God in our nation, a movement of people equipped and inspired to share the Gospel, a movement of our nation towards God, a movement making disciples who make disciples and planting churches that plant churches, and a movement of local churches committed to pursue this calling together!

Inspired Church Contacts in 2024

What’s included in the Network?

Be equipped through Training

The development and deployment of effective training is fundamental to the growth of local churches and significantly reflects how Counties Connect will operate. Through Counties, local churches already have access to a network of evangelists along with great resources like GSUS Live, the Life exhibition, Neighbourhood Chaplains, and M4 Church Planting. Added to that, One2Lead now runs events in three regions, supporting the discipling and training of young people through focussed weekends.

New training resources are being developed in three key areas:

  • Training more evangelists (this is the subject of a separate article in Ignite).

  • Supporting local church leadership teams through a Great Commission Team process.

  • Growing the confidence of ordinary, everyday believers in sharing their faith.

The first of these, the Connect Evangelists Training Programme (CETP) will launch with its first trainees in January 2025, and the second, the Connect Great Commission team process for church leadership teams, will be developed in partnership with local churches, launching later in 2025.

Be engaged through local and regional Transformation

Working with our growing team of Regional Connectors, we will seek to establish local and regional Connect teams, where Connectors, evangelists and church leaders will work together to pursue local strategies, building broader and deeper connections with churches so we can encourage, inspire and support more effective evangelism and growth through disciple-making.

Be inspired by regional ministries and national organisations

Connect is a network of local churches, regional ministries and national organisations like GLO, that support the local church, working together to make Jesus known.

Within the network's churches, ministries and organisations, there are practical, pastoral and financial resources generously being shared - for the benefit of building up the church.

How can we find out more about Counties Connect?

Sign up for the next "Info" Zoom event: Introducing Counties Connect Network

The Counties team have helped to change our mindset, we were looking at ourselves previously, rather than looking at the people around us and what their needs were. We had to look around and see what God was doing and hang on to His coat tails.
— Church Leader, Ross-on-Wye
Counties will commit to a rhythm of prayer for us and with us, to have us on their hearts
— Church Leader, Herefordshire
I never wanted to be involved in church replanting until I saw other churches in Counties doing it and succeeding.
— Tim Cracknell, Pastor at Community Church Forest and Wye
Praise God that after a time of joint evangelism with like-minded churches in the Elephant & Castle areas in London, four people now trust in Christ.
— Church Leader, Caleb Mathewos
My two fellow leaders and I attended church plant training hosted by Counties. It was immensely practical and I learnt things I wished I had known 30 years ago!
— Church Leader, Meare Community Church
Give thanks for the success of our Neighbourhood Chaplains Warm Spaces initiative which is seeing dozens of new people coming into the building and a few of them attending church
— Martin Korchinsky, Church Leader Stockport

About Counties Vision, Mission and Values

You will join thousands of individuals, churches and organisations when your church connects with Counties.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You don’t need to join, and there is no fee.

    We would love to list your local churches on the Connect website, sharing a little of who you are, where you are, and what you do, providing a link to your church website or Facebook page.

    If you don't want to be listed, simply let us know.

  • Connect will provide increasing levels of support for your fellowship in three key ways: Inspired, Equipped and Engaged

    • Inspired churches will receive Ignite and e-news, sharing inspiring stories of what God is doing

    • Be kept informed of ways in which Connect can equip you.

    • Be listed on the Inspire section of Counties Connect website.

    • Equipped churches use Counties resources.

    • Train church members on the new Connect Evangelists Training Programme (CETP) from January 2025. This programme will help you raise evangelists in your local church and support your leaders as mentors on the programme.

    • Access the further Connect training programmes later in 2025.

    • Be listed on the Equip section of Counties Connect website.

    • Engaged Churches are committed to being part of the local or regional Connect Teams, helping to own and shape the vision and strategy to reach their region for Christ.

    • This level of relationship will be supported by a shared agreement between Counties and local churches, on a statement of faith and aims and objectives for regional teams.

    • Be listed on the Engage section of Counties Connect website.

    • Share news and opportunities from your church on the Counties Connect website.

  • We are part of the Evangelical Alliance and you can read our Beliefs, Vision, Mission and Values here

Download Counties Connect Network overview pdf

Click the image to download your pdf - an overview of the Counties Connect Network

Support more evangelism

Churches of all denominations and all sizes are evangelising local communities differently. It is inspiring to join with one voice and learn from one another.

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There is no doubt the church is in a season where few are prepared: a global pandemic; climate change, European and Middle Eastern land-wars and the cost of living crisis. In this fast changing landscape you’ve probably noticed:

  • the closing of historic churches has accelerated

  • young adults are walking away from religious affiliation

  • church volunteers are harder to recruit

  • church leaders are burning out

But at the same time there is a definite upturn of spiritual interest across all the generations with 45% of the population believing Jesus rose from the dead.

What others are saying about Counties book ‘Making Jesus known’

This is an excellent and helpful resource on sharing Jesus with our world. It is comprehensive in its scope, contemporary in its outlook, and, above all, challenging in its enthusiasm.

J. John, Evangelist, Philo Trust

How wonderful to find a current book on evangelism written by those who are passionate evangelists and church planters. We need their inspiration and practice to encourage the church of today back to making evangelism central. The simple last words of Jesus ring through this book calling us to “go” and keep “going”.

Rachel Jordan-Wolf. Executive Director, HOPE Together

In a world of COVID, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Conflict in Europe, and Congregations reduced by a third, my job as an evangelist remains ‘to prepare God’s people for works of service’ (Eph 4:12). This book is incredibly timely, full of wisdom on the great biblical themes of Integrity, Sovereignty and Creativity in evangelism. It is a Godsend.

Rico Tice. Christianity Explored Ministries


Celebrating the work of God through Counties (125th) and GLO (50th) while facing future challenges


Counties Evangelist Martin Korchinsky shares how a simple conversation with an addict brought him to Jesus